Update Letter, Congress
Constituent Supports | Member Supports | Tag Phrase Off | Related Bill Off | No Extended Discussion
Dear [Constituent],
I wanted to follow up on your email from earlier this year in support of H.R. 1044, the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019.
As you'll recall, this bill increases the per-country cap for family-sponsored green cards from 7% to 15%, and eliminates per-country caps for employment-based green cards.
I was proud to vote for this legislation when it came before me on the House floor, and am happy to confirm that it has passed the House by a vote of 365 to 65. I will continue to be a strong voice for reforms to ensure a fairer and more effective immigration system.
Thank you again for contacting my office. Please don't hesitate to keep in touch!
Congressman, 1st District
P.S. Next Wednesday, I will be hosting a Community Coffee at the Starbucks on Main Street from 11 AM to 1 PM. I hope you will join us for a discussion about federal and local issues affecting our community.
Deliberate Letter, State Senate
Constituent Supports | Member Supports | Tag Phrase On | Related Bill On | No Extended Discussion
Dear [Constituent],
Thank you for contacting my office regarding your support for SB 1249, the California Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act. I appreciate your taking the time to contact me and share your thoughts on this legislation.
This bill would prohibit a manufacturer from importing for profit, selling, or offering for sale any cosmetic developed using an animal test. Violators would be subject to an initial fine of $5,000 (with further fines of $1,000 per day) until the violation is resolved.
I agree that animal testing is often cruel and ineffective, and was proud to vote for this bill when it came before me on the Assembly floor. The bill passed the Assembly by a vote of 80 to 0 and has been signed into law by the Governor. If you would like to learn more about SB 1249, you may do so online at http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/.
Please know I value your thoughts, and will continue to be a strong advocate for reforms that promote animal welfare. You may be interested to know, incidentally, that I also voted for legislation last session that would prohibit Californians from possessing body parts of endangered African wildlife species, including lions, elephants, and rhinoceroses, that have been heavily targeted by trophy hunters and animal traffickers.
Thank you again for contacting my office. Please don't hesitate to keep in touch about this or any other issue of concern to you.
Congressman, 1st District
P.S. On Monday, February 28th I will be hosting a Community Coffee at the Starbucks on 342 2nd Street in Springfield from 9AM-11AM. I hope you will join us for a discussion about state and local issues affecting our community.
Deliberate Letter, State Senate
Constituent Supports | Member Supports | Tag Phrase On | Related Bill On | No Extended Discussion
Dear [Constituent],
Thank you for contacting my office regarding your support for SB 1249, the California Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act. I appreciate your taking the time to contact me and share your thoughts on this legislation.
This bill would prohibit a manufacturer from importing for profit, selling, or offering for sale any cosmetic developed using an animal test. Violators would be subject to an initial fine of $5,000 (with further fines of $1,000 per day) until the violation is resolved.
I agree that animal testing is often cruel and ineffective, and was proud to vote for this bill when it came before me on the Assembly floor. The bill passed the Assembly by a vote of 80 to 0 and has been signed into law by the Governor. If you would like to learn more about SB 1249, you may do so online at http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/.
Please know I value your thoughts, and will continue to be a strong advocate for reforms that promote animal welfare. You may be interested to know, incidentally, that I also voted for legislation last session that would prohibit Californians from possessing body parts of endangered African wildlife species, including lions, elephants, and rhinoceroses, that have been heavily targeted by trophy hunters and animal traffickers.
Thank you again for contacting my office. Please don't hesitate to keep in touch about this or any other issue of concern to you.
Congressman, 1st District
P.S. On Monday, February 28th I will be hosting a Community Coffee at the Starbucks on 342 2nd Street in Springfield from 9AM-11AM. I hope you will join us for a discussion about state and local issues affecting our community.
Deliberate Letter, State Senate, Neutrality
AB1776 | Constituent Supports | Member is Undecided | Tag Phrase On | Related Bill On | No Extended Discussion
Dear [Constituent],
Thank you for contacting my office regarding your support for AB 1776, a bill related to lead-acid batteries. Engaged citizens like you are the lifeblood of our democracy, and I appreciate your taking the time to reach out with your thoughts.
As you may know, AB 1776 was introduced by Assemblymember Harriet Stowe on December 9th. The bill would double the fee imposed on the sale of lead-acid batteries, and requires that revenues be deposited in the Lead-Acid Battery Cleanup Fund. Following its introduction, the bill has been referred to the Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee.
I support programs for recycling batteries, and certainly share your concerns about lead-battery pollution. At the same time, it is not clear why another fee increase is necessary, when the Legislative Analyst Office has stated that the Battery Clean-Up Fund is already adequately funded by the $26 million it collects annually.
As this bill is still in the early stages of the legislative process, it may be amended or revised. Please know I value your thoughts, and will be sure to keep them in mind should this bill reach me for a vote. You may be interested to know, incidentally, that I voted for legislation last session that would enable the Department of Toxic Substances Control to create a program for recycling lithium-ion batteries.
Thank you again for contacting my office. Please don't hesitate to keep in touch about this or any other issue of concern to you.
Congressman, 1st District
P.S. On Monday, February 28th I will be hosting a Community Coffee at the Starbucks on 342 2nd Street in Springfield from 9AM-11AM. I hope you will join us for a discussion about state and local issues affecting our community.
Letter Preferences
and Properties

Thank you for viewing the sample letters. All of the above letters were generated by the PoliScribe Letter Wizard.
There are a number of properties that can be configured for each letter. In the examples above, we have tried to demonstrate the range of letters PoliScribe can generate.
Letter Properties
Letter Type
PoliScribe can generate a variety of letter types. Letters can vary automatically depending on a variety of factors, such as the bill’s current stage, vote count, Member disposition, and more. Examples include:
Quick Responses / Punts which acknowledge the constituent’s concerns, but do not commit the Member to a course of action.
Deliberative Responses that provide a rich set of information about the bill and the Member’s feelings toward it. P
Proactive Follow-Ups for constituents who have previously written in about a bill, providing an update on a recent vote.
Member Position
This is the disposition of the elected representative.
Constituent Position
This is the position the constituent takes. The system automatically adjusts the language of the letter depending on whether or not the Member (sender) and constituent (recipient) are in agreement.
Related Bill Citation
Letters can also cite related bills where the Member and constituent are in agreement. This is particularly helpful if the Member and constituent do not see eye to eye on the bill directly addressed by the constituent. Even in cases of agreement, it is helpful to impress upon constituents that the Member has a record of supporting their policy agenda.
Letter Elements
Style Matching
All of the aforementioned settings are applied in the letter to ensure its voice and style perfectly match that of the Member.
Interlocutor Alignment
The system automatically adjusts the language of the letter depending on whether or not the Member (sender) and constituent (recipient) are in agreement.
Office Messaging
The letters automatically integrate the relevant messaging from the Messaging Management System.
Bill Information
Similarly, the letters can include information about the bill, such as the title, description, author(s), cosponsors, stage in the legislative journey, and more.
Language Preferences
PoliScribe is designed specifically to be fully customizable and configurable, and to adapt to the tone and lexicon of the Member. The result are letters that are indistinguishable from the ones written by the Members themselves. Broadly, there are four areas of preference configuration:
Lexical Style: The tone and vocabulary of an office’s letters customized by our linguistics expert to match writing samples provided by the office. This ensures that word choice and style reflect that of letters written personally by the Member.
Template Structure: The structure and content settings of a letter can be modified at any time. This includes how the letter will open and close, if and when the letter should reference the Member disposition, and so forth. Multiple templates can be saved, allowing options for a long and deliberative response, a short deflection note (“punt letter”), quick follow-up notes, and more. Standard elements of a letter, such as the salutation, valediction, epilogue, or prologue can be coded into the letter. For instance, offices can choose to include a postscript (PS) after letters inviting the constituent to an upcoming town hall.
Dynamic Preferences: Elements in the letter can be programmatically adjusted by the user based on the letter’s contents. For instance, the circumstances in which the letter would mention the number of votes a bill received could be based on whether the constituents and/or the Member is satisfied with the vote. Similarly, elements of the letter could be optionally bolded when the Member and constituent are in agreement.
Custom Messaging: In addition, offices can upload custom messaging into PoliScribe, which can be seamlessly integrated into their letters.