Our Mission

PoliScribe’s mission is to build trust in government by empowering public servants to connect with their constituents and provide helpful information.

The Challenge

Fortunately, our country’s residents are increasingly politically active. Forty percent of citizens have contacted their elected representatives in the last two years, and Congress receives over 25 million letters each year from constituents.


of citizens have contacted their representative

This presents a unique opportunity for legislators to engage with constituents in a more effective format. Unlike social media, which values “going viral” over substance, letters to constituents are more comprehensive, nuanced, and informative. The Congressional letterhead and signature of an elected representative carries great weight.

However, responding to constituents in a deliberate, personal manner is difficult. Across the country, 82% of legislative staff report spending time on drafting constituent responses, with 28.4% of staff spending a great deal of time on it. Despite their best effort, offices have backlogs exceeding 1,000 messages and taken between 2-4 weeks to respond to most mail.

Our Solution

Whether answering phone calls, responding to constituent mail, or generating proactive/outbound mailers, staff use PoliScribe to research legislative issues and surface the right messaging and content instantly. PoliScribe can even compile this content into draft form letters using the Member's own voice.

PoliScribe offers a solution to reduce the time spent drafting constituent letters and provide personalized, substantive letters in a fraction of the time. PoliScribe is a web application that works alongside an offices’s existing CRM and acts as an intelligent communications assistant to office staff. PoliScribe automatically researches legislative issues, compiles relevant information, and suggests content for letters to constituents.

This makes it easy for Representatives and their Staff to generate personalized, meaningful letters for both responses to inbound mail and proactive outreach. This results in improved relationships with constituents, reduced risk of errors, and increased efficiency without any new staff.

Learn more about our product here.

Get Started Now

Our team can get you up and running quickly. All we need are a few examples of your favorite letters, which we will upload into our system for language modelling. We will schedule a custom training workshop at your convenience, and then you’ll be ready to go. Visit the Contact Page or fill out the form below to get in touch.